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 Lego backtracks on green promise

Lego backtracks on green promise

Toy giant Lego has made headlines by announcing the discontinuation of its plans to produce bricks from recycled plastic bottles. This decision came as a significant setback in Lego’s ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon emissions, a pledge the company had made back in 2021. Nevertheless, this development highlights the complexities and challenges that often accompany sustainability initiatives, while also emphasising Lego’s publicly announced ‘commitment’ to finding eco-friendly alternatives and offsetting its carbon footprint.

While it’s true that Lego’s decision to discontinue using recycled plastic bottles for their bricks may not have resulted in an immediate reduction in their overall carbon emissions, we must not underestimate the positive impacts of recycling waste bottles. Sometimes, the benefits may not appear immediately or directly contribute to a company’s bottom line, but they should not be overlooked.

The marketing opportunities for a recycling plastic bottle brick, I am sure, would be beneficial from a commercial standpoint also. Corporations have a responsibility not to just focus on their GHG emissions, but also the net positive they do for the environment we all live in. I think that someone in the marketing team at Lego needs to be fired!

What’s needed is an open discussion within the company to explore alternative ways to align their sustainability goals with their commercial interests. Ultimately, it’s a collaborative effort to find the right balance between environmental responsibility and business success.

Let’s advocate for more inclusive discussions and innovative thinking within corporate organisations. By embracing a comprehensive approach to sustainability and considering the broader positive impacts they can make, businesses can continue to thrive as socially responsible corporations whilst meeting the demands of an eco-conscious market.

For businesses looking to calculate and offset their carbon footprint, True Green Energy Group offers the solutions you need, offering the right balance between your people, the environment and your commercial interests. Visit our website at or send us a direct message to learn more about how we can help your business reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Farakh Masood

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